'I paint motorcycles to feed my family, I paint canvas to feed my soul.' - Caleb Milne.
Caleb Milne is a contemporary Australian artist who's fine art deals with reflections of life and it’s contradictions: simple and complex concepts, urges, ideas and emotions expressed in an abstract aesthetic. Gritty layers are born of a back and forth struggle: of control vs randomness, sentience vs naïveté, simplicity vs complexity, spontaneity vs planned execution, of creation and destruction. His techniques explore the qualities and interactions of industrial and commercial paints and pigments in a style best described as post urban neo industrial abstract expressionism.
In the modern world building's interiors have the appearance of perfection of form; his artwork introduces an interruption. A juxtaposition.
He invites the viewer to chose their own level of engagement. Stand back and appreciate the work as a whole, or get up close to see what is happening on the surface. Can they perceive or appreciate the emotions or concepts expressed? Are they willing to contemplate the ideas involved? Would they prefer just to find a fascination with some techniques, texture, or colour? If they do they might very well find that for that period in time they have forgotten about their own worries and been lost in the moment instead.
It's art that flaunts it’s flaws and taunts the viewer to come closer, to take time out of their day to look, to wonder.